Following their dancing career with prestigious companies, Simone Repele and Sasha Riva founded in 2020 their own artistic association Riva & Repele in Geneva, Switzerland. Their choreographic works are rooted in a strong, sensitive and poetic theatrical aspect. Stylized images are bound together by a neoclassical, contemporary vocabulary and powerful gestures.

In Italy, they collaborate with dance agency Daniele Cipriani Entertainment that has toured all over Europe their works among which their full-length ballet “Lili Elbe Show”. In 2021, they were the only foreign company selected by the Centro Coreografico Canal in Madrid. During the season 2022-2023, they presented their work in Switzerland, Spain and Italy and were recently programmed by the prestigious Festival Madrid en Danza. In 2023, they were also invited for a residency at Orsolina 28 where they created another full-length ballet “Dear Son”. In 2024, their piece, La Jeune Fille et Les Morts”, was added to the repertoire of the Stuttgart Ballet. Their future projects will premiere at the Rome Opera, the Stuttgart Ballet, the Teatro Massimo Palermo and the Augsburg Ballet.

Over the years, they have been collaborating with many international artists such as Director Damiano Michieletto with whom they created Leonard Bernstein’s work “Mass” for the Rome Opera, former Paris Opera Etoile and Opera di Roma Ballet Director Eleonora Abbagnato, Silvia Azzoni, Parvaneh Scharafali, Igone de Jongh and Yumi Aizawa.

Riva & Repele started collaborating with European School of Ballet in 2023.