ESB Mobile App

Your privacy is important to us.

We provide the following policy indicating our commitment to the privacy, protection and security of your personal information.

Collection of personal information

In the course of daily business, we may collect information about customers such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, credit card information and email addresses, depending on the nature of the transaction with us.

We do not collect any sensitive information revealing your race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union memberships or details of health or disability.

Exceptions to this include:

where express permission has been given;
where the information is authorised by law or is considered reasonably necessary to enforce the law; or
when the information is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
Collection of data from our website

We will only collect Personal Information where the information is necessary for us to perform one or more of our functions or activities. In this context, “collect” means gather, acquire or obtain by any means, information in circumstances where the individual is identifiable or identified.

We collect Personal Information primarily to supply customers with the products and services ordered from us and our related companies. We also collect and use Personal Information for secondary purposes including:

billing and account management;
business planning and product development; and
to provide individuals with information about promotions, as well as the products and services of our other companies and organisations.
We will notify individuals (including, but not limited to, our customers) of the matters listed below before collecting any Personal Information:

the main reason that we are collecting Personal Information (this reason will be the Primary Purpose);
other related Uses or Disclosures that we may make of the Personal Information (Secondary Purposes);
our identity and how individuals can contact us, if this is not obvious;
that individuals should contact us (even if they are not a customer) if they wish to access or correct Personal Information collected by us or have any concerns in relation to Personal Information;
the organisations or types of organisations to whom we usually Disclose the Personal Information including Related Bodies Corporate and contractors;
where applicable, any law that requires the Personal Information to be collected;
the consequences (if any) for the individual if all or part of the Personal Information is not provided to us.
We will not collect Sensitive Information from individuals except with consent and only where it is necessary for us to collect such information for an activity or function.

We will not collect Personal Information secretly or in an underhanded way.

We will take steps to ensure that individuals on lists purchased by us explicitly for our purposes are or have been notified of the information

Use of your personal information

Personal information is collected to assist the relationship between us and our clients and prospects. Any information that personally identifies you is solely used by us to make contact with you, respond to queries, notify you of new developments, new products and enhancements and to improve the quality of our services.

Access and disclosure of personal information
Only our authorised employees have access to this information. It is used solely for the purposes of account management and client contact.

We will not disclose any information for secondary purposes, for example to third parties, without your consent unless:

it is required or authorised by law;
it is in the public interest;
it is necessary to carry out the purpose for which the information was collected. For example, a transaction or service that you requested may require our disclosure of details to a credit card issuer to complete an on-line purchase; or
there is a reasonable expectation that the information will be disclosed to a third party.
Data quality, access and correction

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we collect is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Where practicable you will have access to the information that you provide to us upon request. If any of the information is inaccurate or out of date, please contact us and the data will be updated accordingly.

Exceptions to this include:

where providing access will pose a serious threat to the life or health of any individual or have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of an individual;
where your request for access is frivolous or vexatious;
where information relates to existing legal proceedings between us and you; or
where providing access would be unlawful or may prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity.
Security of stored information

All of our data is stored on secure servers protected by multiple firewalls and encryption technology. These security methods are to the highest industry standards.

We do not maintain credit card details on any servers, which ensure that access to that information cannot be obtained by any unauthorised parties.

Customer data

Customer data is referred to as data that customers may upload to the our system in the due course of using ourP products and services.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that records containing Customer data are stored in facilities that are only accessible by the customer and people within our organisation who have a genuine “need to know” as well as “right to know”.

Unless specifically authorised to do so in writing, we will not use the customer data for its own purpose beyond the delivery of messages submitted by the customer.

If requested to do so by the customer, we will immediately remove any customer data that is stored on its database and accessed via the website address books.

Privacy Policy changes

This policy may be amended from time to time due to internal business requirements or obligations of legal compliance.

The latest version of this policy will be posted on our website.


If you have any questions regarding our handling of your personal information or queries relating to our Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at