Graduated in piano studies in 1997 at the Conservatoire “L. Refice” de Frosinone (Italie). In 2005, graduated diplômée in Music History at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. En 2014 graduated in Dance Accompaniment at the Conservatoire “A. Casella” og L’ Aquila (Italy).
From 2000 to 2008, she worked at singing master in several Italian theaters like San Carlo of Naples, Théâtre Social de Trento, Nuovo Teatro Comunale of Bolzano, Social de Rovigo. From 2008 to 2012, she also works as pianist at the Academia Nazionale di Roma. From 2012 to 2019, she works as pianist and teacher of theory and applied practice at the Choreutique du Collège National “Vittorio Emanuele II” de Rome.
Since 2008, she has participated in many international courses working with renowned ballet teachers like Irina Kolpakova, Vladilen Semenov, Elisabetta Terabust, Denis Ganio, Eleonora Abbagnato, Paola Cantalupo, Francesco Ventriglia, Jean-Yves Esquerre, Laura Comi, Roberto Zamorano, Christiane Marchant, Clarissa Mucci, Luc Louis de Lairesse and many others.
She has collaborated with the school of the Teatro dell Opera di Roma and companies like Il Balletto di Roma and New Zealand Royal Ballet. She also participated in 2013 in the summer course of the Rad Royal Academy of Dance. Depuis janvier 2020 elle est pianiste à l’École de Danse de l’Opéra National de Paris.
She started collaborating with European School of Ballet since ist Summer School in Paris in 2019.